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Mynä-Mynä-Maa is Koneen Säätiö - Saari residence's community art project that was built in a former care home (Lizelius koti) scheduled for demolition, located in Mynämäki. Over 250 people participated, ranging in age from 1 to over 80 years old. Together we created 43 magical rooms and 72 artworks, during the course of about one and a half years in 2020-2022. Almost all materials used to build Mynä-Mynä-Maa were recycled. The exhibition was open from May till August 2022, during which over 10 000 people visited.

I participated with my own room as well as helping with many other rooms and artworks, and also advising other participants on construction and materials. 

I turned a small storeroom into a prehistoric forest containing plants and creatures from the Jurassic period, including a two meter tall Brachiosaurus called Hilma, two small Compsognathus's, a flying Pterodactyl and dragonfly, and a dozen or so cycads. Hilma has been built onto a table from cardboard pipes, old mattresses, newspaper and papier mache. The smaller creatures are made using wire as a base structure, topped with newspaper, masking tape and papier mache. The cycad trees are built out of large carboard pipes around which I wrapped corrugated cardboard cut out in strips. The leaves were painstakingly glued on a strip of wire and cut out of thick paper and painted. The floor covering was cut out of mainly recycled carpets.

Mynä-Mynä-Maa will open again this summer, check for information and updates at

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© 2023 Sophia Bartsch

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